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November 4th, 2017 light test

All rating were measured on the same LX1330B Lux meter in a controlled environment in my indoor archery range at exactly 20 yards with the lights held in a tripod fixture. These Lux measurements will not match any rating from any manufacture because they test at a much closer distance. I Chose 20 yards because it is repeatable in my range to test more lights and it allows all focus-able lights to reach their full potential. This test does not in any way tell you how far you can see with any light it just compares them to each other. Please do not argue with me if you think your light companies light is brighter as I really do not care what you think. This is as close as a comparison as can be done and anyone is welcome to come see the test for them selves. 

If you have lights that you want tested  and added to this list please feel free to come to my shop and we will test and add to the light. You can also send me lights to test and add to the list, but they become my property after the test. 

All focus-able shooting lights were tested on the highest power setting and focused tight. 

All lights were tested using freshly charged batteries that come in that lights kit if applicable. 

All headlamps were tested in both flood and focused patterns if applicable. 


Wicked Lights

A67ic: Red 183 lux, Green 164 lux, White 241 lux

W403ic: Red 203 lux

A48ic: Red 81 lux

W400: Red 70 lux

Scanpro Headlamp: Flood wide- Red 40 lux high, 24 lux med, 10 lux low

                                 Foucused tight- Red 45 lux high, 27 lux med, 12 lux low

Scanpro ic headlamp: Flood wide- Red 48 lux highest on dimmer, .5 lux lowest on dimmer

                                    Focused tight- Red 54 lux highest on dimmer, 1.5 lux lowest on dimmer


Predator Tactics

Nightmare: Red 75 lux, Green 42 lux, Blue 53 lux, White 73 lux

Coyote Reaper: Red 65 lux

Kill Bone: 15 lux

Buck Lantern Headlamp: Flood wide- Red 5 lux

                                         Focused tight- Red 22 lux



NS550 Extreme: Red 203 lux

NightSnipe Headlamp: Red 34 lux high, 13 lux low (this light is fixed beam)


Foxpro Inc

Fire eye: Focused tight- Red 74 lux, Green 57 lux, White 133 lux, Amber 39 lux


Sniper Hog Lights

66lr: Red 150 lux

30lr: Red 50 lux

66lrx: Red 205 lux


Noxx Lights

Red Dagger 2013: Red 20 Lux

Red Dagger 300: Red 38 Lux

Red Dagger Headlamp: Flood Wide- Red 2 lux High, 1 lux low

                                       Focused tight- Red 15 high, 6 lux low

Warthog: Red 138 lux

VRL-1: Red 99 lux

VRL-X: Red 29 lux


Elusive Wildlife

XLR250: Red 135 lux

XLR100: Red 44 lux



CoyoteLight: Red 168 lux



Pred 1: Red 50 lux

Pred 2: Red 60 lux



XPlz300: Red 134 lux